I’m Rachel, the dreamer behind The Occasional Vegetarians

My three pre-teen and teenage boys and hungry husband are on this journey with me to make a change in the way we eat, but like your family, they won’t let me sacrifice flavour or sustenance for one bite. When so many of my friends would ask how we were able to do this, I came up with the idea of The Occasional Vegetarians! I’m here to help you do the same thing in your house.  

No Labels!

You name a food trend and I’ve ridden it – Keto, Paleo, low-fat, low-carb, low-sugar, I’ve done it all, and while each has benefits, I often felt I had to be “all-in” and when I fell off the trend, I felt I’d failed.  This isn’t about being dogmatic! It’s about helping families make one healthy choice at a time, while showing them how you can eat a delicious meal that will satisfy your whole family… and it just happens not to have meat! You don’t have to go Vegan to enjoy a Meatless Monday!